Forgiveness is a very misunderstood thing. A lot of people when they’re hurt and angry think telling someone they’ll never forgive them hurts the other person when in fact its the opposite. Lack of forgiveness hurts yourself not the other person…
Forgiveness is a very misunderstood thing. A lot of people when they’re hurt and angry think telling someone they’ll never forgive them hurts the other person when in fact its the opposite. Lack of forgiveness hurts yourself not the other person…
It’s another Monday and your coworker is bossing you around when they are in the same pay grade as you. You don’t say anything because you want to keep the peace and don’t want to be seen as drama or […]
Everyone handles breakups differently some people act like it does not affect them and then it bites them in the ass down the line. Some get with a new person immediately to cover up the pain which again later down […]
Loss of identity is something a lot of people experience. We usually experience this after getting out of abusive relationships, growing up in an abusive home, having a confusing childhood, dealing with sickness/mental health issues or death, going through major […]
We all have to deal with hurtful comments or just things we don’t want to hear. There are hurtful comments that come from name calling and then there are hurtful comments that someone says about us that we don’t particularly […]
Self awareness…what the hell is it? And why should you care? Well self awareness is when one is aware of their thoughts, feelings, motives and desires. Sounds pretty simple and you’d think “isn’t everyone self aware? I already know myself!” […]
We have all been there. Your head is filled with thoughts like ” I don’t understand why I can’t just let this go!!” Something keeps popping up in our brain and we just can’t let it go! No Matter what […]
Raise your hand if you feel like you are juggling too many things in your life. Now raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by Regina George. I can’t help you about Regina but I can help you move […]
Self-love is something that is talked about so often but not really shown how to practice. I have so many clients that have issues with self-love and they tell me they hear about loving yourself but have no idea how […]
A couple months ago I made a post about the 25 things, I learned by the age of 25. There were so many other things I have learned so I thought I would make a continuation! Here are 18 more things […]