Everyone handles breakups differently some people act like it does not affect them and then it bites them in the ass down the line. Some get with a new person immediately to cover up the pain which again later down […]
Everyone handles breakups differently some people act like it does not affect them and then it bites them in the ass down the line. Some get with a new person immediately to cover up the pain which again later down […]
When people hear of others being in abusive relationships they think “If I was in that situation I would just leave!” We may think it’s that easy but that isn’t how things work. Being mistreated over and over again does […]
So you go on a couple of dates with this cute person you met and they are what you think is the perfect man/woman. They are charming, attractive, funny, and nice. There are only one or two things that seem […]
Relationships can be tough. There’s fighting, there are disagreements, and there is pushing of each other’s buttons. That is why a lot of times people wind up going to their boys or their girls or their family members and complain about their significant […]
There are a lot of misconceptions that being cheated on means the one who got cheated on wasn’t good enough. That could not be further from the truth. A cheater has issues within themselves, it has nothing to do with you. You […]
In my suffering with anger issues post, I talked about suppressing emotions and how it may be a cause of anger. So people who don’t have an issue with suppressing emotions just sees an irritable person and doesn’t know what to do. You want […]
We all have been through those awkward encounters where someone tries to hit on us or make a pass and we just are not interested. Everyone reacts differently. Some ignore, some are harsh, and some lead the person on to […]
First things first, I want to say I am so sorry you feel heartbroken right now. Heartbreaks are the worst but they get easier as time goes by. Love affects our brain like a drug, similar to cocaine. It activates […]
Do you ever feel like no matter how nice you are girls aren’t attracted to you? Or they friend zone you? I don’t know how many times I’ve heard a guy say “Girls don’t like nice guys.” Or “Girls just […]