I’m in a middle of divorcing a female covert narc and it feels like it will never end. We have 2 daughters together and every week is a new challenge to defend her evil games. I have changed to an overall negative inpatient person from her 12 years of abuse and will never the positive person I was before meeting her. Every thing in this article is exactly her behaviors and character . Now that I know who she really is, I need to learn to parent and protect my children.
So. What do you do when you find out it’s you? I always blamed my sister, my parents, friends, etc. But they’re all living lives and I just live in fear of anyone, even lifelong friends finding out something that will make them not want to be my friend.
I’m 35… I know deep down it’s irrational but I have panic attacks, I flipped out on my Ex for mentioning something I thought might sound uncool, like I’m in high school one of the fist times he met my college friends.
I remember his face when they left the room and I went from huge smiles to hysterical crying, asking him HOW he could say that to them…it was so innocent and topical then… he looked confused, worried, concerned, and honestly a little frightened. I made an excuse to leave after and never really forgave him; when it was me and my issues.. and even now, tbh I’m still mad at him…. The things I share are my business, true or what I want people to know that’s up to me and he doesn’t get to use ignorance as an excuse… but I know I’m just mad thinking about it because I see what I did, I know I caused it all and made it worse.
No one ever made me feel as strong, confident, like I belong and could be myself like my ex, and I still never let him see the real me. I pretend to appeal to everyone, I take attention shamelessly from men, women, I cheat I lie and I justify it all to myself because of my past trauma… which I pretend to be working in therapy… I learned to pick and choose my therapists and get what I needed from them too. I pay a fortune to lie to a jaded therapist who tricks her clients into joining nonsense groups.. she’s perfect, she might believe me or not, I tell her how great I’m doing… stories from a job I don’t go into because I don’t have to… I use her as a sounding board to justify a lot of my worst behavior… because I’m the victim… I had phones, emails, friend who lived close I’d meet up with for the entire time my Ex and I were together… I almost feel bad sometimes, he’d come home after I was with someone else all day and I’d still pick fights and make him apologize to me… for anything.. it’s like a programmed response in me, no matter what I do I am the victim and justified.. I know most people aren’t like this; I feel like I have super powers some days. Eveyone believes me, loves me, wants to take care of me but lately… I have all these spiders outside my new place, and when I see bugs all wrapped up for later, I think about my ex… I think he had to be hospitalized after everything, lost his job, I don’t feel like I should feel guilty… but I never do… I feel something hollow in my stomach though. It’s like I just swallowed a bunch of ice cubes whole, like a cold suffocating feeling I can’t understand..
Does anyone else feel that way?? I’m worried after reading about vulnerable narcissistics now. My family has a long history of mental illness in both sides, mother was boarder line, father npd but most likely undiagnosed with more, more severe disorders in grandparents on both sides… I do anything so strangers will think better of me but I destroy the people closest to me when they feel too close… I don’t live a double life, I live w different one for eveyone everyday and it’s hard to keep up with the anxiety of being found out and exposed for real. But no one would ever believe the people I choose, I think I might have loved my ex more than I realize now… I think we saw each other. I made all these promises, had them framed for him, all the ways I’d never hurt him… his fears.. he actually got me to feel like a real person, and I never planned on him being forever even though I promised all the things his broken parts would want to hear,,, I know how it feels.. I miss spending time with him, living together, his cooking haha, being tucked in and loved like that.. does anyone think I could get him back if I promised harder and come back? I know he’s still messed up from it all so maybe he’d be willing to… if I swear the cheating and all that never happened and that it was him being insecure?? I don’t think he can prove any of it or even knows the main guys real name.. grrr what do I do I just want to be Happy like everyone else..
I’ve read a bit on the subject but this has to be the most harrowing piece, as you could be the woman sitting right here in the other room. Change a minor detail here/there, intended for anonymity and it’s a ringer. Is it you? Am I the “main” guy?
You sound like my kind of lady. I love hearing sweet nothings whispered in my ear. You could be the one I been searching for my whole life.
Im ust kidding, lol but a lot of truth is said in just.
All jokes aside. If you acknowledge and understand what you are that’s a good start. My wife wont begin to fathom or except she is a covert narcissist. Either she’s know inside her self like you or she just won’t except it. Me I understand what has made her and most likely you that way. The trauma suffered in childhood was extreme and most like brought on by those who should have loved and protected you. I can understand never wanting to be vulnerable again, developing a shell so thick the vulnerable person in it eventually fades away. “Those who have no heart, once cared to much” Feeling as if no one could truly love you, feeling alone because nobody truly knows you, it’s a lonely journey. My marriage of 15 years, was a journey but I walked it, so I played my part. I don’t know if female covert narcissist choose men like me with horrible traumatic childhoods because they identify with us or because men like us are so desperate for love and companionship. Same things you have said are the same things I had dealt with, I even screen shot what you had wrote. I hope one day you find a sense of self and that you can allow yourself to be vulnerable. I think you admitting what your admitting is a great start, most cover narcissist will never.
Covert Narcissist women will most definitely abandon you when they think your not in line with their goals… your just a supply in the end of the day. The sad realty is that they are just sick in the head, suffering from childhood trauma which has delayed the growth in their brains.
Thanks for explaining this so clearly. I didn’t know there was such a thing until i heard from from someone that my wife was calling me a covert narc, and that she was intending to divorce me. After decades of taking care of her. This made me spin out and question my character and sanity. I pursued therapy for a year and half (and not for the first time), and now I see the projecting, deflection, stone walling, and gas lighting.
We live in the same house and she doesn’t make eye contact with me or talk to me. But she lights up like the happiest person when someone visits or calls.
Wow!!! God just saved my life here!!!
I really wants to thank first god then the one who provide this information!
i cant explaine how greatfull im right now.
Semms that i have been in this movie without knowing that.
How do you get them to get help? A 35 year old homeless woman with a 5 year old child. Currently living with dad until her car is fixed that she lives in. She is loud and verbally abusive to him and her daughter. Occasionally grabbing the child and dragging or throwing her. The child is telling her mother she is mean to her, which she is!! It is horrible and this woman will NOT get help? She is so in denial that she is a narcissist and bipolar! I’m am frightened for the child. Government won’t help they are overwhelmed with cases.
Are you a covert narcissist, and how do you know and if you truly believe it, how did you come to the realization.
[…] a complex and tricky topic. The internet is filled with textbook descriptions of narcissists, but covert narcissism often deviates from these standard portrayals. This discrepancy can lead to confusion […]
Yes sir, female self proclaimed covert narcissist. My kind of ladies, I am great source of supply. I know how beautiful, special, wonderful, everything a man could want under that facade. I’m in heaven.
Just a little joke for yall, cheers up.
On target. Eight months from the end of living with a covert for 44 years. Everything you said I experienced plus pathological lies to cover up her serial cheating which she referred to as having her “ needs met”. A dedicated religious and community leader but in the end devil’s offspring. She is now concentrating in turning my kids against me. She will slip up. The healing continues.
That explains so much. spot on.