Emotions can be challenging to deal with at times. Especially if we see them as negative, when we think emotions are negative we think we are not supposed to feel them and that is not true. These emotions are here […]
Emotions can be challenging to deal with at times. Especially if we see them as negative, when we think emotions are negative we think we are not supposed to feel them and that is not true. These emotions are here […]
When you first learn about narcissism is natural to finally feel excited that you have an answer to why the person you love acts the way you do. So you think, Oh great! Now I have an answer and we […]
If you are in a relationship or you were in a relationship where you have negative feelings towards your partner, maybe you don’t like to be around them but you can’t stop missing them, thinking about them or thinking you […]
Codependency is when you did not feel validated, heard or your needs were not met as a child so the way you learned to cope with that was by helping, fixing, people-pleasing, and taking care of others to feel the […]
If you have been through a narcissistic relationship, it can be terrifying to date again and love again. This is because when someone is nice to you or they are affectionate towards you, you immediately become suspicious. At the very […]
Co-parenting with a narcissist is really difficult because you are basically co-parenting with a child. They are pissed off that they did not get their way and they are out to get you. So they will do things like a […]
Gaslighting is something that has been coming up a lot lately. And it is great that more information on it has been coming to light. But it seems like some people say someone is gaslighting when the other person doesn’t […]
After you leave a narcissist you may notice you will have feelings of missing them. And when these feelings come up some thoughts that may arise are, ” Am I crazy?” “Is there something wrong with me?” Or ” Was […]
Emotional unavailability is when someone is not open to discussing their feelings or go deeper in some sort of way. They have a hard time emotionally connecting and they try to run from it. The reason why people become emotionally […]
Do you ever wonder why you wind up with narcissistic or abusive toxic people? If you are wondering if you are crazy then wonder no longer because it is not from you being crazy. It is not because there is […]